His way of career ladder is from the lawyer to the deputy director of legal work of energy companies such as ZAO “Chlebozavod “Saltovsliy” (Kharkov), OOO “Luganskoye energeticheskoe objedineniye” (Brianka), OAO “Stachanovskiy zavod technicheskogo ugleroda” (Stachanov), OOO “Gazprom mejregiongaz Pyatigorsk”.
He specializes in claims work, disputes with tax authorities, representing interests of clients in the courts of all instances, as well as legal analysis of contracts.
Anton has a great experience of consideration of case in such branches as civil law, land law, administrative law and energy.
National University "Yaroslav the Wise Law Academy of Ukraine", lawyer, specialization "Jurisprudence science"
Projects (selected):
The price of repairs: what is included in the actual damage from an accident